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Soal Bahasa Inggris dan Kunci Jawaban Kelas 8 PAS/UAS SMP/MTS Semester 1 (Ganjil)

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Soal Bahasa Inggris dan Kunci Jawaban PAS/UAS SMP/MTS Semester 1 (Ganjil). Para sahabat Berkas Pedia semua, pada postingan kali ini akan berbagi beberapa soal yang mungkin akan dibutuhkan para guru untuk bahan referensi membut soal Penilaian Akhir semester.

Pada Postingan ini merupakan penjabaran dari kumpulan dari Soal PAS/UAS semua mata pelajaran untuk kelas  8 SMP/MTs pada semester ganjil. Soal PAS/UAS ini sudah kami sertakan dengan kunci jawaban dan terdapat soal pilihan ganda dan essay.

Jika sobat semua membutuhkan Full soal dan kunc jawabannya admin sudah sediakan menu downloadnya ada diakhir artikel ini, silahkan ambil ya sob. !!!

Berikut ini cuplikan soal IPA dan Kunci Jawaban PAS/UAS Kelas 7 SMP/MTS Semester 1 (Ganjil)

Cuplikasn Soal B.Inggris

1. Doni   : I see that you bring so many books Elsa, may I help you? Elsa You are very kind, Don.

A. Certainly         C. Really?

B. No, thanks D. I’m sorry

2. Mother : Soni, can you turn off the lamp, please? Soni : ............

A. With a pleasure         C. I can’t

B. I’m sorry         D. No, I’m bussy

3. Sa di   : May I borrow your pencil case? Sigit I’m using it.

A. Sure                 C. Yes, I do

B. I’m sorry D. With pleasure

4. Hilya : I am hungry mom, , please ?

Mother : Sure. The delicious meals are ready on the table for you, dear.

A. Can you give me a drink                     C. Will you have to eat

B. Could you give me some meals             D. Do you want to eat

5. Mrs. Rosi : Do you mind passing me the sugar? Diana Here it is.

A. No I don’t             C. I’m not sure

B. Sure             D. Yes, I know

6. Nando a glass of coffe?

Early : Yes, please.That’s very kind of you

A. Could you help me         C. Would you like

B. Can you make         D. Shall I have

7. Elin : “ Our mother’s birthday is next week.” Alin : “ ?”

Elin : That’s a good idea.

A. When was she born?             C. How about giving her a present?

B. How old is she?                     D. How is your mother?

8. Galih: Everything is expensive today. Only a cup of cofee, we must pay five thousands rupiahs. Alpin: Yeah, you’re right. I with you.

A. Buy             C. Disagree

B. Come     D. Agree

8. Dimas : I need a glass of ice tea.

Adit : It’s breakfast time, a glass of milk is better for you. Dimas : Ok...............

A. I agree with you         C. I don’t like it

B. I think so         D. Sorry, I dissagree

9. Lukman : Congratulations Tanjul, Finally you can be the winner in this contest. Tanjul : Thanks Lukman.

Lukman congratulates Tanjul because...........

A. He has a new job                 C. He get the best score

B. He wins in a competition         D. He has new house

10 Mr. Odi: Putri, this is your test paper, you get the excellent score. Putri : Is it right, sir?

Mr. Ody : Yes, ............................

A. You’re lucky to win the contest         C. Congratulations

B. I’m surprised on your success         D. You’re the winner

11. Ayu : Wow, You look so beautiful.

Ami : Thank you, this dress is from my mother.

A. What a beautiful girl             C. I like your style

B. This suits you well             D. What a charming dress

12. Sinta : Amel, Do you know, Andini won the Match competition yesterday? 

Amel : O yeah? ........................

Sinta : Yes, she is so smart amel.

A. What a smart girl         C. What a charming girl

B. What a creative girl D. What a good girl

13. Gina   : Fit, I’m so hungry, let’s go to canteen with me. Fitri: I have something else to do know.

Gina : It’s ok, no problem.

A. Thank you         C. I like it

B. Of course D. I am sorry

Cont soal Essay

 41. Complete this dialogue with the suitable expression! 

Mufti     : Iyan,..........................give me a glass of coffe.

Iyan................................ But you look so tired. You should take a rest a while

Mufti     : You’re right. Thanks Iyan 

Iyan            : Wait for your coffe bro.

Mufti     : Ok

44. Change the verbs in the brackets into the right forms (Past Tense)!
I (go) to Grandmother’s house yesterday to make a cage for her bird. After finishing the Cage, My grandmother (ask) me to have lunch.My mother (cook) chicken soup and it was spicy. The soup was very tasty, although it was spicy. I (eat) it too much. The next morning I (get) stomachache and I (can not)go to school.

Download File Soal dan Kunci Jawaban

Jika sobat semua membutuhkan Full soal dan kunc jawabannya. Berikut ini Berkas pedia berikan secara gratis Full file soal Bahasa Inggris dan Kunci Jawaban PAS/UAS Kelas 8 SMP/MTS Semester 1 (Ganjil) di bawah ini :

1. File soal B. InGGRIS Kelas 8

file Soal B. INGGRIS.docx 200kb

2. File Kunci Jawaban B. Inggris Kelas 8

file Kunci Jawaban B. Inggris.pdf 200kb

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Soal Bahasa Inggris dan Kunci Jawaban Kelas 8 PAS/UAS SMP/MTS Semester 1 (Ganjil)


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