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Soal Bahasa Inggris dan Kunci Jawaban PAS UAS SMP MTS Kelas 7 Semester 1 (Ganjil)

Soal Bahasa Inggris dan Kunci Jawaban PAS/UAS SMP/MTS Semester 1 (Ganjil).
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Soal Bahasa Inggris dan Kunci Jawaban PAS/UAS SMP/MTS Semester 1 (Ganjil). Para sahabat Berkas Pedia, pada postingan kali ini akan berbagi beberapa soal yang mungkin akan dibutuhkan para guru untuk bahan referensi membut soal Penilaian Akhir semester.

Pada Postingan ini merupakan penjabaran dari  kumpulan dari Soal PAS/UAS semua mata pelajaran untuk kelas 7, kelas 8 dan kelas 9 SMP/MTs pada semester ganjil. Soal PAS/UAS ini sudah kami sertakan dengan kunci jawaban dan terdapat soal pilihan ganda dan essay.

soal uas pas smp

Berikut ini cuplikan soal Bahasa Inggris + Kunci Jawaban PAS/UAS Kelas 7 SMP/MTS Semester 1 (Ganjil) Tahun 2020

Cuplikas Soal Bahasa Inggris

I. Answer the question by choosing A, B, C or D!

1. Neni : Would you like to accompany me to the shop?

Rina : ... I want to buy some snack too.

Neni : OK, then. Let’s go!

A. I’m not sure 

B. Sorry 

C. Certainly 

D. I have doubt

2. Anang : Did you do the test very well, Andi?

Andi : ..... I don’t have a hope of getting even 50.

Anang : But are you sure?

Andi : Absolutely. Not a hope!

Anang : Don’t worry too much. Next time better.

A. Sorry 

B. I’m sure 

C. Certainly 

D. I’m not so sure

3. Marko : I have good news for you. Your article on the tourism in Indramayu won the national competition.

Jaka : ....? It’s what I want to hear. Where can I find the information about it?

Marko : I read the announcement in front of the teacher’s office.

Jaka : I want to see it. Thanks for the information.

A. Well 

B. Really 

C. Oh, I see 

D. Sure

4. Kesya : Hello, Resty. Look at my new purse. I made it myself.

Resty : Hello, Kesya. Hey, that’s nice. Isn’t that your old purse? The one that we bought one year ago?

Kesya : Yup, that’s right.

Resty : How did you do that?

Kesya : Sorry ....

Resty : How did you do that, Kesya?

Kesya : Oh. Well, first, I just added some colourful buttons.Then, four–five glittery beads. Finally,

I gave my magic finishing touch, hahaha.

A. What did you say?         C. What do you want?

B. What did you do?          D. What are you doing?

5. Dona : Hey, Gun. What are you doing?

Gun : I’m making a windmill from paper. Ah, now it is finished.

Dona : Wow,...... ! How did you do that?

Gun : I made it from a square piece of paper by cutting inwards from each corner halfway to the

centre point. Then, I folded over each point with a dot on it and tape it to the centre.

A. It’s easy 

B. It’s terrific 

C. It’s difficult 

D. It’s dangerous

Download File Soal dan Kunci Jawaban

berikut ini Berkas pedia berikan secara gratis file soal Bahasa Inggris dan Kunci Jawaban PAS/UAS Kelas 7 SMP/MTS Semester 1 (Ganjil) di bawah ini :

1. File Soal Bahasa inggris

Soal UAS/PAS B.Inggris .docx 200kb

2. File Kunci Jawaban Soal Bahasa Inggris

Kunci jawaban Soal UAS/PAS B.Inggris .docx 200kb

Soal Bahasa Inggris dan Kunci Jawaban PAS UAS SMP MTS Kelas 7 Semester 1 (Ganjil)


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